Thursday 2 February 2012

Brandon Wilson
415 Tennis Street
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 5r4

February 2, 2012

Captain Draude
HMS Princess Margaret

O Captain, My Captain:

My name is Brandon James Wilson, and even though I don’t believe that one man or women should have power over life or death of another human being, I Am still going to write this letter asking nay begging for my life, because I recognize that this situation calls for an action such as this. I also recognize that as captain Mrs Draude has that power and this letter will serve as my plea for life. I believe that I should live for one simple reason…… my future occupation. I plan on becoming a psychologist when I graduate from high school. I believe that you can benefit from my occupation for a few reasons. Firstly after such a traumatizing event such as this you might nay will require a large amount of psychological evaluation and counsel to cope with such a horrible event. Along with helping you I will be able to help the others who were chosen to survive by our malevolent, creative, amazing and all around fair and just captain Mrs Draude. I sincerely believe I will be a valuable resource if you chose to allow me to live. I will not only be able to psychologically assist the other I will be an invaluable resource with my analytical skills and deep thought process. I will be able to easily problem solve and assist In anything that involves mental degradation which will undoubtedly happen in a submarine under the sea. In conclusion I believe that I will be a major asset in re-assimilating back into normal life after a event such as this. I thank you for you time in reading this and I deeply hope that you give me the honor of surviving this catastrophe.      

Brandon James Wilson

Tuesday 31 January 2012

My friends this is the blog to end all blogs. This is the blog of the all famous all powerful and omnipresent Brandon Wilson. Now some of you might be wondering hmm who is this Brandon Wilson that you speak of? Well he is a 16 year old student who goes to Princess Margret high school. He is currently completing his third year of schooling and planning on going to university to be a psychologist. He was born in a small town named Penticton on a dark and cloudy night. The moon was as full as a person at an all you can eat buffet. And on that night an amazing awkward alienating and all around good person named Brandon Wilson was born. And that’s it; that’s the short yet gripping tale of one teenager named Wilson.