Wednesday 10 April 2013

ASSIGNMENT #2 Grade 12

                           Grade 12

What can you say about grade 12 that hasn’t been said before, about the stress, the dress and the all around mess that’s associated with it? Well for starters parents, teachers and the older generation in general always go on and on and on about how much life dramatically changes after said grade. I say bullsalsa to that notion. Honestly it doesn’t change that much, either I graduate and go on to more schooling, which gets progressively harder just the same as high school. On the other hand if I decide to disobey everything my parents, peers and teachers tell me and I decide to just work after I grad then nothing changes much either Id still have to learn a whole new job, progress up the system as it gets increasingly more austere just like our public school system. So I don’t believe that much if anything will really change, the stress will be the same, keeping up with work or school or relationships. Starting to sound familiar? It should because it’s all the same. And in summation life will always feel like grade 12…..Unfortunately.  

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