Monday 8 April 2013

Assigment 5

               Lucy’s Day at the Mall

I  awakened from my slumber on a sweltering  Friday morning not knowing what adventures would await me today. My lovely yet aging wife Beatrice with her graying hair and contrastingly sharp cerulean eyes jolted awake suddenly and without notice.
“Like oh my god we are so totally hitting up the mall today Luce!” LUCE” “Ok ok calm down honey we can go I guess”. I always loved her enthusiasm but these days with how old I’m getting it gets a little tedious to handle her and her excitement everyday. I’m almost 70 and she’s 69 and she somehow finds the energy every day to be so energetic. Sometimes I’m jealous and sometimes I’m resentful but no matter how I feel I know ill always love her. After our usual morning ritual of bathing brushing and bed making we make our way to the buss stop. “This weather is sensational have you ever seen such blue sky and smelled such sweet pungent air!?” “Only every spring Beatrice.” “Aww come on Penticton only gets more beautiful every year I’m so glad we retired here!” “Well I’m glad we retired here too hun” The buss pulled up at the usual time and we made our way on saying hi to Greg the buss driver and taking our usual seat. We arrived at ten twenty and Beatrice like always quickly made her way to Sangsters to grab her assortment of pills and ointments. As she walked into the store I take my usual spot on the bench outside the store. I don’t like stores like that the ones filled with drugs and pick me ups some days I think that without all her pills and oils she wouldn’t be so energetic. But that thought quickly leaves my mind as I realize she’s always been that way. She takes her usual ten minutes in the store chatting with the man behind the desk about the latest drugs and pills. “Lucy I know you don’t like the place but you can at least come in with me!” “No no its ok that’s your store and your people I don’t mind waiting for you” I secretly do, I secretly hate all the drugs and chemicals she pumps into her body but I could never tell her that. We made our way to Save-On to grab some groceries and Beatrice’s adventuring magazines. As were checking out Beatrice starts to flip through the magazine she bought ohhing and awing at all the gorgeous scenery. “You know what Lucy lets go, let’s just go somewhere like Brazil or China or England!” “Now hun you know were too old to just leave and adventure on a whim.” “Why not!?” This is when I finally snapped but not on Beatrice on myself. “You know what fudge it lets go then well get plane tickets and fly anywhere you want!” “Really you really mean it?” “Indeed I do let’s just go no more talking were going right now.” And so we went to the flight ticket store bought two tickets to Guam and left just like that. And maybe later today well go to Jamaica or Peru or India.

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